Saturday, December 5, 2009

'Tis the Season!!

This weekend is crazy busy for us.. we have party after party!! Today my cousin's bridal shower was at 1 in Vincennes.. she was nice enough to be understanding enough that Brynn and I didn't come. We had originally planned on it but then found out Brynn had to go to the doctor this morning to get her booster since this is the 1st year for her getting her flu shot. Thanks Jenny!! We will be at the wedding with bells on!!

This evening is my works Christmas party. I am looking forward to it. There will be lots of little kids. We are a 24 hour store which means we NEVER close so someone is always workings.. so we aren't able to get together very often throughout the year. We get people to work at our store so everyone is able to come to the Christmas party. I am excited for Brynn to get to play with the other little kids. I hope she doesn't bite anyone.. she has been a little bully lately. I will have to keep my eye on her.

Tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to. One of Brynn's friends and my co-workers daughter's 2nd birthday party. It is at Tumble Express where they take gymnastics so it should be a good time. Addie, the birthday girl, has more energy than anyone I have ever met. Every week at gymnastics it is entertaining to watch her run around and I am sure tomorrow will be no different.

Then tomorrow night we are hosting Josh's work party here. I am a little nervous. I have had lots of things for my co-workers here but nothing for his yet.. so I always get nervous when I am hosting a group for the 1st time. I think I am ready but I always feel like there is something I forget.

After this weekend we don't really have any parties.. our friends are having a holiday party next weekend in Valpo but Josh is going to Alabama for the weekend so we won't be able to go!!

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