Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Go Colts!

So I went to my 1st NFL game on Sunday and what a game it was. The Colts vs Patriots.. what more could a sports fan want. It started out a little rough.. and looked like the Colts were going to lose.. but yet again Peyton Manning marched the Colts down the field for two touchdowns in a matter of minutes to put the Colts on top yet again. It was probably one of the greatest come backs of all times and I was there to see it, right?? WRONG!! We left the game with 7 minutes left to go in the 4th quarter and missed seeing them win. It wasn't even like we had to drive back that night.. we had a hotel room and everything downtown. Josh was not too happy with me and he said that he will NEVER leave a sporting event early again because you never know what can happen.

We had a great weekend. My mom's 60th bday is in December but not all of us siblings(her kids) will be together again til Christmas so we did a lunch for her on Saturday with some of her siblings. She was surprised and had a good time.. she even did a tequila shot. I love my mom to death but she has gotten more uptight over the years so that shocked me to see her do that but it was funny. Then Saturday night everyone came here to spend the night before heading to Indy Sunday morning for the Smith family pictures. We got our pictures taken downtown by the canal.. I can't wait to see them. Then we tailgated and went to the game.. it was a busy, exhausting weekend.. but lots of fun.

This weekend is the IU/Purdue football game.. which is always a good time. All the Canups will be there so that will be fun to hang out... we don't get together over Thanksgiving so I guess this will be our Thanksgiving!!

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