So I decided I pretty much suck at this blogging thing... I have only posted twice in the past couple of months. I don't know where all my time goes but I am going to try and be better.
August was a busy month.. going into it we did not think we would be that busy, but we had something going on almost every free day, but it was a lot of fun.
I wrote that we went to Looogootee the 1st weekend.. then the next we went to a wedding and a Beach Party at the Country Club in Terre Haute with some friends. The next weekend we worked all weekend.. which of course was no fun. Then we went to a Colts preseason game on the 20th and took Brynn to the Children's Museum on the 21st. She loved it. We met my friend Jenny there and her little girl is 5 weeks older than Brynn, they had a ball. Brady and Jana met us too.. he was a little trooper while we did all the baby stuff.. but after lunch he got to go do some of the big boy stuff, just him and mommy. We rode the carousel 1st which she absolutely loved but then of course that is all she wanted to do.. we had to go to the next level so she would quit hearing the music playing.
This past weekend was a pretty inspirational weekend for Josh and I. Josh's twin brother, Jason, rode in the Pelotonia in Columbus, OH in honor of his friend Tyler who passed away in December due to cancer. Tyler had only been diagnosed 6 months prior, and unfortunately was only 24 years old when he passed away. We got to meet Tyler's mom and his long time girlfriend of 6 years, Lisa. Tyler's mom rode 25 miles and Lisa committed to riding 180 miles in Ty's honor. Lance Armstrong was affiliated with the ride and he spoke Friday night at the opening ceremony and then led the ride on Saturday.. it was pretty cool to be 10 yds away from him. Anyone that knows me knows I love celebrities so Josh was surprised I didn't tackle him or something since he was so close. Just meeting Ty's loved ones and seeing the committment they all made to train and ride in his honor really really touched me. It made me realize how blessed Josh, Brynn, and I really are. Cancer effects Josh's family big time, on his mom and dad's side of the family. His grandma died when we 1st started dating.. she had breast cancer when she was younger but later it came back and had spread to her bones. Josh's uncle passed away of lung cancer when he was in his 40's. Most recently it was Josh's sister, Jana, who had breast cancer 3 years ago, luckily now she is cancer free.. but it is something she will have to deal with and fear for the rest of her life. Things like this just really put every day life into perspective.. why do I sweat the small stuff. We are healthy, happy, have a great family and friends that surround us and support us, life is good.. enjoy it, because you never know what tomorrow will bring! If you can make any donation, big or small.. go to and click on riders and search for Canup, Jason.. he has to raise 1000 dollars by October.. he is getting so close to his goal!!
On a happier note.. Brynn is all over the place and talking up a storm. She now tells us when she is ready for bed by telling us "night, night" and laying her head down on our laps. It is the sweetest thing. She is a mama's girl..that is for sure. When I am not home she will walk from room to room saying my name looking for me. I love it of course, but Josh hates it. He just plays and plays with her but she still wants her mama.
Football season is here. We are heading to Purdue for our 1st tailgate of the season tomorrow.. it will be a long fall but fun. We are trying to sell the bus.. so if you know anyone that wants to buy a full size school bus with Purdue Boilermakers painted on the side let us know.
Next weekend is my 1/2 marathon. Josh, Kristine and I are all doing it. I am in much better shape and mental state this time around so hopefully it will go much smoother.
It's me...again
16 years ago