Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Really not much to report, it is just one of those days where I am doing things I shouldn't be doing to keep from doing the things I should be doing. It has snowed alot as everyone knows, so we went to Kindermusik class this morning but have been inside the rest of the day. Brynn likes to be on the go so she gets cabin fever very quickly. I had to use the old carseat trick to get her to nap today.. I swear she is going to look weird when she is 3 or 4 and I am trying to get her to sleep and am rocking her in an infant carrier, it has worked ever since we brought her home from the hospital so I guess whatever works we will keep doing.

This weather is making it hard to train for the race though. I have just been running on the treadmill but that isn't the same. I guess it is better than not doing it at all.

We have been getting some estimates to finish the floors in our basement. It is one of those things that we want to get done but don't know if we want to spend the money on right now. We are trying to justify it.. made it is hard. It is a big basement so it will not be cheap, but I think we would use it alot more if the floors were finished.. decisions, decisions.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brynn thinks she is a Dog

So within the last week or so Brynn must of discovered she has a tongue or something because it is constantly hanging out of her mouth, then she will start panting, so I think she thinks she is a dog. This might seem a little more normal if we actually had a dog but we don't and she has hardly ever been around dogs, so we are not for sure where this is coming from. We went to get her six month pictures taken and she had her tongue sticking out in so many of them. The photographer was cracking up, I guess at least it made for a good laugh. Then today at church she kept staring at the man behind us and doing that to him. She would stare at him, almost in disbelief that he wasn't staring back, until she would get his attention and then stick her tongue out and start panting. I guess that is what I get for some of the weird things I did to my parents when I was a kid.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Caught Up

I am finally caught up on the training schedule for the mini. It is weird because I know just last week I was writing asking if it was going to get easier, but it already is. I am still not running long distances yet but we are scheduled to run three miles tomorrow but the thing is I know I can do it, and I am also enjoying it. It is just a little time out of the day to clear my head, I have to admit I am thinking of everything I need to be doing while I am running and then I think that makes me run faster so there is more time to do the other things, but whatever gets me thru it. I have a friend, Andrea, who I just recently reconnected with thru our blogs and she ran a full marathon a few weeks ago, now that is something I could NEVER imagine doing. I am so proud of her for doing this and I think in a way it is inspiring me to do the mini, since I know it is just half the distance.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 month Check up

Brady's birthday party on Sunday was fun. We got him clothes so of course he wasn't too excited about those but he got plenty of toys to play with. It was a good turnout. Jana made him a Thomas the Train cake that was so cute. I hope she is planning on making Brynn something when she turns 1 because I am not that talented. I will try and post some pictures some time soon. Never seems like there is enough hours in the day to do everything.

Today was a busy day. We started Kindermusik classes today. Brynn is in a newborn to 18 month class. Gavin, Suzanne's 1 year old, is in the class also. I think she liked it. Now that she is sitting up on her own she enjoys sitting and playing and is content for long periods of time. There was 2 other six month old girls in the class and then the rest of the kids were 15 months and older, so they were all walking. Brynn was fascinated by all the movements and sounds.. it was so much fun to watch her.

Then I got my haircut, when it is short I have to get it cut so often or else I am a shaggy dog. I always feel so much better after getting a haircut though.

Then we had Brynn's 6 month check up. She weights 16 lbs and 9 ounces and is 25 and 3/4 inches long, so 50th percentile for both. I guess we knew it was a fluke that she had been in the 75th percentile for height, with Josh and I as her parents she doesn't stand a chance. I just hope she is taller than me. She had to get more shots today, which is never fun, but she managed. Now she is snoozing, I think the busy day wore her out and mommy too.

I have to run tonight. I have been doing good, sticking to the training schedule they gave us, over all I am only 1 mile behind and plan on making that up on Friday. It is hard on the days that I work til 8 to get it is because in the mornings I have her so there is no time and then when I get home I am tired from standing 10 to 12 hours, but I am managing to squeeze it in, and honestly always feel better after I do.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's Party Time

Today we are going to Brady's 3rd birthday party. My parents have had Brynn since Friday. I miss her sooooooooooooo much. Josh and I both had to work yesterday so we met them Friday in Vincennes and then we both headed home. Needless to say it has been pretty quiet around here without her. We go to the doctor on Tuesday for her sixth month checkup and then pictures on Friday so I am sure I will write how all that turns out. She is so much fun now. Sitting up pretty well by herself and so so close to crawling, she is just trying to figure it all out.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I think I can, I think I can!!

So I knew this wasn't going to be easy, especially considering I haven't worked out in honestly over a year. Everyone told me to work out when I was pregnant, and I would occasionally get on the treadmill but no hard core stuff. So this week started the training for the mini-marathon and boy oh boy, can I tell how out of shape I am. I know it will get easier, but there first few weeks are going to be pretty rough until my body can get over the initial shock of actual doing physical labor again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The New Year

New Year's Eve was fun. It wasn't crazy by any means, I hope the other couples that were here weren't bored out of their mind but Josh and I had fun. We built our home to host alot of things but really haven't had that many get togethers here yet, just really our baby shower and that is about it. The kids were all so cute and it was so nice for us to be able to catch up with old friends. Bailey and Brady were here and they were troopers, they stayed up until 1 am. I was having trouble staying up til then.

Since the New Year it has been the usual. We have made it to church both weekends. We have had to go on Saturday night both weeks because of work and then today there is a Purdue basketball game that Josh is going to. It is at 6 pm on Saturday nights and starting around that time is a rough time for Brynn, the day just sort of catches up with her and she is sort of a bear until she goes to bed. So needless to say she hasn't been that well behaved but we are dealing with it.

Our training starts this week for the mini. I went to a meeting on Tuesday night that explains what we need to do to be ready on May 2nd. I have to admit I am really scared. Mentally I hope that I am tough enough to do this. This week isn't too bad.. just have to run a mile a few days this week, but by week 3 or 4 we are already running 5 miles or so on Saturday and then it keeps increasing from there.

Our nephew, Brady, turned 3 on Friday. His birthday party is next Sunday. I can't believe he is 3. I tried to call him the other day and wish him a Happy Birthday but he didn't want to talk to me. Josh says he is smart already since he knows not to get into a phone conversation with me.

Wish me luck with the training!!