Really not much to report, it is just one of those days where I am doing things I shouldn't be doing to keep from doing the things I should be doing. It has snowed alot as everyone knows, so we went to Kindermusik class this morning but have been inside the rest of the day. Brynn likes to be on the go so she gets cabin fever very quickly. I had to use the old carseat trick to get her to nap today.. I swear she is going to look weird when she is 3 or 4 and I am trying to get her to sleep and am rocking her in an infant carrier, it has worked ever since we brought her home from the hospital so I guess whatever works we will keep doing.
This weather is making it hard to train for the race though. I have just been running on the treadmill but that isn't the same. I guess it is better than not doing it at all.
We have been getting some estimates to finish the floors in our basement. It is one of those things that we want to get done but don't know if we want to spend the money on right now. We are trying to justify it.. made it is hard. It is a big basement so it will not be cheap, but I think we would use it alot more if the floors were finished.. decisions, decisions.
It's me...again
15 years ago